Paper and Presentation at the International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy

The third International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy took place between February 19-21, 2017 in Porto (Portugal). Together with Timea Pahi and Florian Skopik, we published a paper on the “Analysis and Assessment of Situational Awareness Models for National Cyber Security Centers”. It is expected to appear soon. (more…)

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Presentation at the IFIP Electronic Government (EGOV) and Electronic Participation (ePart) Conference

The 15th IFIP Electronic Government (EGOV) and 8. Electronic Participation (ePart) Conference took place from September 5-8 in Guimaraes, Portugal. I presented two papers at this conference which are published as Open Access publications.

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Presentations at the third International Workshop on Software Assurance

The eleventh International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security took place from August 31st to September 2nd 2016 in Salzburg, Austria. I gave a talk on our paper “Authentication in the Context of E-participation: Current Practice, Challenges and Recommendations” (Maria Leitner, Arndt Bonitz) within the third International Workshop on Software Assurance.

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