KSÖ Planspiel 2017 video
The video about the KSÖ Planspiel 2017, a national cyber security exercise, is now online.
The video about the KSÖ Planspiel 2017, a national cyber security exercise, is now online.
The 8th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY) took place between March 19 – 21, 2018. Tempe, Arizona. Together with Christine Schuppler and Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, we published a poster on “Privacy-aware Data Assessment of Online Social Network Registration Processes”.
I gave a talk on “Wahlen als Teil kritischer Infrastruktur” (translated to “Elections as critical infrastructure”) at IKT-Sicherheitskonferenz 2017 in Villach, Austria in September 2017. (more…)
The third International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy took place between February 19-21, 2017 in Porto (Portugal). Together with Timea Pahi and Florian Skopik, we published a paper on the “Analysis and Assessment of Situational Awareness Models for National Cyber Security Centers”. It is expected to appear soon. (more…)
The 15th IFIP Electronic Government (EGOV) and 8. Electronic Participation (ePart) Conference took place from September 5-8 in Guimaraes, Portugal. I presented two papers at this conference which are published as Open Access publications.