The International Conference on Digital Transformation in Semiconductor Manufacturing (EADCT 2018) took place in Zittau, Germany. Together with Stela Kucek, we published an Open Access paper on “Training the Human-in-the-Loop in Industrial Cyber Ranges“.
Training the Human-in-the-Loop in Industrial Cyber Ranges
Abstract: With the trend of automation in manufacturing and the advancements of technologies, knowledge, skills and abilities of the workforce should develop accordingly. Current training technologies often do not provide hands-on training and exercises. Hence, training methods and technologies need to adapt to support the new requirements and progress. Cyber ranges are virtual environments that mimic realistic networks and systems and can be used for e.g., training, exercises or research. While current state of the art focuses mostly on technical designs and developments, this paper focuses on assessing and integrating the human-in-the-loop in industrial cyber ranges (i.e. cyber ranges with specific scenarios that can be found in Industry 4.0, manufacturing or related topics). We describe the human-in-the-loop in cyber ranges and outline an example application scenario. Furthermore, we discuss challenges in relation to the implementation in cyber ranges. For future work, we will utilize this design and development scheme for further advancements of industrial cyber ranges and its components.