Paper at IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress 2017

The 2017 IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress (CyberSciTech 2017) took place between November 6-10, 2017 in Orlando, Florida. Together with Maximilian Frank and Timea Pahi, we published a paper on “Design Considerations for Cyber Security Testbeds: A Case Study on a Cyber Security Testbed for Education” .

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National cyber security exercise 2017

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200 experts tested in a national cyber security exercise the emergency of cyber attacks on critical infrastructures (with particular focus on industrial control systems) in the course of the KSÖ Planspiel 2017 organized by Kuratorium Sicheres Österreich. The successful event took place on November 6-7, 2017 at TechGate in Vienna, Austria. As technical manager, I was responsible for the technical design, development and realization of the cyber security exercise. The event was covered in several media outlets. (more…)

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